
Halleluja for future Hello! Project

OMFG! Suddenly Hello! Project songs are freaking awesome~ Like after few shitty songs all the song are really good~ Okay let's start with S/mileage. 4nin S/mileage is still the original S/mileage and I miss it ;___: Sakitty.. ;w:

After I heard there is audition for S/mileage I was like.. NOOOOOOOOOOO! and after that Ogawa Saki graduate... my 2nd fav. I really cried for it. Yeah Saki's last song was "Uchouten LOVE" and that was really good song<3 Then came new members and song was "Tachiagaaru", i didn't really like the song and new members didn't get any solo's just some scream parts.

Next was "Please Miniskirt Postwoman!", that was cute song and I like it ^^ but Kana and Rina didn't really get solo lines :// oh yeah, it was Yuukas last song ;___: From that time I somhow got feeling that i will not like S/mileage anymore... and then came "Chotomatte Kudasai!", MV was bad, those dress was just ugh. Song was catchy but boring. Then came "Dot bikini"... yeah right.. same as "Chotomatte Kudasai!", MV suck and song is catchy but I didn't like it. BUT now came "Suki yo, Junjou Hankouki"... JUST LOVE, outfits was beautiful, MV wasn't the best but really pretty, Kana and Rina get lines<3 Song was amazing!<33 So I hope that S/mileage keep going with good songs ^^

Okay this is already pretty long so I will make new text for this xD NEXT Morning Musume~


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