
Morning Musume, halleluja?

Morning Musume have always go with this.. about 4 main singer and others get few solos or not at all. We all know it right, somehow I'm really bored of that style. Come on those other girls can sing, why don't you let them show their talents in main songs?

I was really sad when Takahashi Ai and Niigaki Risa graduate ;_____: BUT after Takahashi graduate there came song... "Pyoco Pyoco Ultra"-- I was like "DAFUQ?!" that song and MV... -.- I hate it.
Thank god, next song was way better, "Renai Hunter". Song was good but one part in the dance was umm... funny xDDD Yeah but again we can see the main parts, Risa, Reina, Riho.

Next is their newest song "One Two Three" I like it a lot even I don't really like Riho. MV's was sparkling and outfits was awesome, I liked Haruka's hair but she look way more mature what she is xD



Halleluja for future Hello! Project

OMFG! Suddenly Hello! Project songs are freaking awesome~ Like after few shitty songs all the song are really good~ Okay let's start with S/mileage. 4nin S/mileage is still the original S/mileage and I miss it ;___: Sakitty.. ;w:

After I heard there is audition for S/mileage I was like.. NOOOOOOOOOOO! and after that Ogawa Saki graduate... my 2nd fav. I really cried for it. Yeah Saki's last song was "Uchouten LOVE" and that was really good song<3 Then came new members and song was "Tachiagaaru", i didn't really like the song and new members didn't get any solo's just some scream parts.

Next was "Please Miniskirt Postwoman!", that was cute song and I like it ^^ but Kana and Rina didn't really get solo lines :// oh yeah, it was Yuukas last song ;___: From that time I somhow got feeling that i will not like S/mileage anymore... and then came "Chotomatte Kudasai!", MV was bad, those dress was just ugh. Song was catchy but boring. Then came "Dot bikini"... yeah right.. same as "Chotomatte Kudasai!", MV suck and song is catchy but I didn't like it. BUT now came "Suki yo, Junjou Hankouki"... JUST LOVE, outfits was beautiful, MV wasn't the best but really pretty, Kana and Rina get lines<3 Song was amazing!<33 So I hope that S/mileage keep going with good songs ^^

Okay this is already pretty long so I will make new text for this xD NEXT Morning Musume~



Good project with shitty leader

Project's are really sometimes.... One project kick me out without telling me -.-
I know that I was inactive but I didn't undertand the forums and I say that to them but they didn't reply to me anything and aafter while I notice that I can't get in the forums.. I asked why I get in and they say that I'm graduated.. nice~ thanks.
I PM to that graduate thing  back: "How nice that you tell me -.-", They reply: "you kind of dissapeared. I figured if I messaged you, you would have ignored it anyway." Me,"I wouldn't :// but yeah. Thanks for that about one week sorry that I disappoint you for been not active. I was just so confiused of new forums style. Good luck for future ^^"
I try to avoid drama in here... but I tell about this in Facebook group named "Dubbers Smap" and got reply's like this, ";A:", "-3- those people...", "Thats Horrable --", "omg what =/ i dont even", "Horrible.. That's cruel ugh!!"
Good to know there is people who understand me ;_________:

Aron, what are you trying?

Hahaha~ After that one beautiful day when me and Krystal see asian boy who look a lot like NU'EST Aron. I been seeing Aron in totally different light c(: 
He is totally trying to climb higher in my bias list xD and now he is after JR with Ren and Minhyun so.. sorry Baehko ;_______: I think he have a good voice but... I dunno why I don't really like him O.o 
But yeah.. let's see will Aron someday win Minhyun and Ren xD goz then those two will drop to 3rd place.

Lazy azz

Heh.. I didn't call today in that hospital kitchen -.-
I feel like I haven't never been this lazy.. or maybe when I have been sick goz then I'm acting like I'm dying xD
I was at Krystal's house way too long time alone ;w: After Krystal was ready in work she go with Evie shopping. They buy things that they dress in Tracon. I didn't really care about it but.. I was so lonely ;___:
But I was happy when they came back~<3

I drop by home today and guz we don't really have food in here we take little from home :3 My parents act really nice and I was like O.O but I think that maybe it's goz they don't have see me for sometime xDD Just pretty nice to know that, if parents are angry go away sometime and come back :'33



Junhyung with new tattoo *w*

Yong Junhyung
 I notice today that my ultimate bias Yong Junhyung from B2ST have got new tattoo *O* 
He have other tattoon's too one on his collarbone and on his right arm.
On his collarbone, the tattoo reads in English, "Born again still your son". From this phrase, Yong JunHyung's love for his parents can be seen. ^o^
New tattoo
On his arm, the tattoo reads in latin, "carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero", in english it's, "Take a hold of today. And only believe in the word 'tomorrow' in the smallest way you can".

New tattoo is on his left arm and it says, "Tomorrow never regret"
Old ones



Today I made a little mistake... I forgot to go employment agency. I got text message to my phone and then I notice that I forgot it... Let's hope that they will give the per diem still goz I need it.

Otherwice I have been at my best friend house about 5 days guz her parents are in Turkish. She can't sleep alone in big house so I'm here with her. I will be in here to Thursday.

I'm really stressed these days. I have to call to hospital kitchen and ask for a job but I suck at talking to people in phone... I'm scared of it. I try to find power to call in there tomorrow.

2nd things is that we will go to "Tampere" in Friday. Me, Krystal and Evie. We go to see our dubbing friends first time. Why "Tampere"? well.. there is in that weekend "Tracon" anime and manga happening. I'm really excited to meet them x3 but sametime I really nervous guz I have never been in "Tampere" and I have never been in so big happening like "Tracon" I have only been in little one which is "Kitacon" and it's really small compare to "Tracon".
I wanna go to sing in there karaoke. I heard that there is a lot of KPOP songs<3 I wanna at least sing BEAST - Shock guz I love that song ^^ BUT there is a problem.. that place is full of cosplayers and I probably go in normal clothes so I will look really different to others in there -.-


This is

I got idea to start doing this blog from one tv series. I think it's a good idea to open myself here goz no one knows who I am...
I don't really care that do it get any readers. Idea is that I tell my worries, feelings, things what I have done and etc. Everything this starts tomorrow.
I do my best :3